Day 109 a.k.a. The last of the fast...
I have a confession to make. I feel like I rely a little too much on my watch. During my average run I'm looking at it constantly; counting down the miles, checking and rechecking my pace, checking my heart rate, estimating my finishing time... As much as I try I just can't seem to ignore it for more than 30 seconds at a time. So, today I decided to try a little experiment.
I taped a piece of paper over my watch face so I couldn't see what it said and decided to go out and run "blindly". Today was supposed to be a marathon pace day so I figured I'd go out and see how close I could hit pace without knowing how fast I was going.
Here's how I did.
Distance: 4.03 miles
Duration: 27:56
Pace: 6:56
HR Avg/Max: 164/179
Utterly failed at my pacing efforts as usual. I went out at what I felt was a brisk but relaxed pace. By the end of the first mile I could tell that I was going too fast by how hard I was breathing but I still felt pretty good. By the end of the second mile I was starting to hurt but I figured that it was partly just cumulative exhaustion from the last couple weeks. Mile three I decided I might as well go for broke and at least hold my pace for one more mile and then see what I had left for my four... Mile four I gave it all and pushed all the way home.
Mile 1: 7:03
Mile 2: 7:05
Mile 3: 7:02
Mile 4: 6:30
Very even splits for the first three miles which was good. As I was running the pain was getting progressively worse but I managed it well and didn't let it slow me down at all. The last mile was hell but it felt good to push myself near my limits for one last time before the marathon.
Tomorrow I run my last "long" run and after that I plan on taking it very easy until marathon time. The last few weeks of workouts have been intense and hopefully they will benefit me in both confidence and fitness come marathon time. But for now I think that I've attained all the fitness I can expect to get before the marathon and that the best thing I can do for myself is force myself to slow it down and allow myself to recuperate.
I might throw a few 1-2 minute fartleks into next Wednesdays workout but besides that this is the last run I plan to do at a pace which is anything faster than marathon pace so help me god!
Running With Cancer: One Dude's Journey with Lung Cancer
11 months ago
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